Thursday, October 8, 2009


ISO 14001:2004 aims to clarify the 1996 edition and align it more closely with the ISO 9001:2000 standard. Some clauses have not been modified for content but have been rewritten to align ISO 14001:2004 with the format, wording, and layout of ISO 9001:2000 and to enhance the compatibility between the two standards.
References in Annex A of the standard are aligned with the numbering in the standard for ease of use. Annex B of the standard identifies similarities and associations between ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001:2004.
An important change in wording throughout the revised standard appears in requirements that previously stated that an organisation shall “establish and maintain”; these have now been changed to “establish, implement and maintain”.
Throughout the standard the word “personnel” in the original standard is replaced with “persons working for or on behalf of the organisation” in the revised standard. This is included to ensure that external contractors and applicable suppliers are included under the requirements of certain clauses.
In developing, implementing and maintaining the organisation’s EMS, significant environmental aspects, applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which the organisation subscribes must be considered, and management must ensure the availability of resources.
There are additional paragraphs in the introduction, which generally cover:
• the aim of the ISO 14001:2004 standard is to enhance compatibility with ISO 9001:2000;
• alignment is improved between clause references and supporting Annexes. For example, 4.3.3 and A.3.3 both deal with objectives, targets and programme(s), and 4.5.5 and A.5.5 both deal with internal audit;
• an explanation of the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) model used in ISO 9001:2000;
• the use of the process approach is promoted in alignment with ISO 9001:2000;
• possible alignment and integration with other management systems is reviewed.

Change In ISO 14001:2004 – Documentation

Change In ISO 14001:2004 – Documentation
This clause has been updated to align it with ISO 19001:2004, but has not changed in intent. The listed EMS documentation now includes:
• the environmental policy,
• objectives and targets,
• a description of the scope of the EMS,
• a description of the main elements of the EMS and their interaction and reference to related documents, documents and records
• required by the standard, • documents and records determined by the organisation as necessary to ensure the effective planning, operation and control of processes that relate to the significant environmental aspects.
Formatting changes help align Clause 4.4.5 of ISO 14001:2004 with ISO 9001:2000. An additional clarification has been made to define records as a special type of document requiring control under Clause 4.5.4. A new addition to the requirements aims to ensure documents of external origin, (i.e. MSDS, permits) that are necessary to the system, are identified and their distribution is controlled.
Formatting changes help align Clause 4.4.5 of ISO 14001:2004 with ISO 9001:2000. An additional clarification has been made to define records as a special type of document requiring control under Clause 4.5.4. A new addition to the requirements aims to ensure documents of external origin, (i.e. MSDS, permits) that are necessary to the system, are identified and their distribution is controlled.
The revised standard requires documents required by the EMS and the standard to be controlled documents.
Note that “document” is included in the definitions, and includes its supporting medium which can be paper, magnetic, electronic or optical computer disc, photograph or master sample, or a combination thereof.

ISO 14001:2004 Evaluation of compliance

ISO 14001:2004 Evaluation of compliance
This clause has been separated from 4.5.1 and includes two sub-clauses, as well as clarification and an addition to the ISO 14001:1996 standard. Included in Clause 4.5.1 of ISO 14001:1996 was a requirement for the organisation to periodically evaluate compliance with relevant (now applicable) environmental legislation and regulations. This requirement has been retained in Clause of the revised standard. In Clause, ISO 14001:2004 includes evaluation of compliance with other requirements to which the organisation subscribes, which was not specifically required by ISO 14001:1996. This clarification also includes a requirement for records of periodic evaluations of compliance to be kept.
The UK-based Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) has published an opinion that this means that compliance against each and every piece of legislation / regulation relating to an organisation’s environmental aspects will need to be evaluated before it can be considered to be in conformity with ISO 14001: 2004; it will not be acceptable for organisations to claim that the periodic evaluation will be covered by their internal EMS audit program at some future date.
This has always been one of the most difficult issues in ISO 14001:2004, and organisations will need to review and revise their compliance procedures to ensure that they meet these new requirements.

ISO 14001 Standards – Complying with Environmental Laws and Regulations

One of the most commonly cited reasons for implementing an ISO 14001 environmental management system is that it helps an organization comply with environmental laws and regulations.
ISO 14001 registration will provide additional assurance to City Council, senior management, regulators and key stakeholders that appropriate procedures have been implemented to identify, track, and communicate environmental laws and regulations. ISO 14001 registration will also provide assurance that our Administration is controlling, monitoring, and improving performance, relative to these laws/regulations.
A strong environmental management system, aimed at legal/regulatory compliance, will serve the City of Edmonton by increasing the likelihood of avoiding convictions, fines and judgments; avoiding internal legal costs; and promoting positive relations with regulators.